Thursday, January 2, 2014

Inflammation and Diet


This blog will highlight my personal journey battling inflammation and its underlying causes.  I have a few conditions that are directly linked to inflammation.  The two biggies for me are arthritis and interstitial cystitis (IC).  The one that causes me the greatest distress is the IC.  I’ve suffered with this condition for most of my adult life, only having it diagnosed in the last couple of years by my naturopathic physician.  I am doing a number of things to help with the pain and urgency, but the real bottom line is diet.  It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what “works” and “doesn’t work” with an IC diet, but I discovered this wonderful document that really takes a lot of the guess-work out of it.  Generally, my body agrees with what the document lists as safe and unsafe on an IC diet.  It is the 2012 ICN Food List 

Some may recognize me as the author of Extreme Lo Carb Cuisine and Extreme Lo Carb Meals on the Go.  They would be correct.  While doing a modified Atkins / Paleo approach, I lost 90 pounds a few years ago.  I have since regained the weight because of this underlying inflammation.  I hope to continue to lose weight while regaining my health.

Since food is the biggest issue with interstitial cycstitis, a majority of this blog will be recipe-focused.  In addition to the general guidelines for IC, I follow a dairy-free and grain-free protocol, that some might consider a “paleo diet.”  I will share recipes as I write them.  I hope the content will bless and encourage folks struggling with IC and other inflammation- related conditions, like arthritis.  It is possible to eat well, while following a strict IC eating plan!

Sharron Long

cSharron Long and Adams Media, Inc. 2014

My dairy free almond milk recipe

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